Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A blog by any other name..

My friend S, who started her PhD at the same time as me, was nicknamed Super S, and so I became Krazy Krystal.. I have no idea why, possibly just for the alliterative effect. Anyway, the nick caught on, to the point where when new comers were introduced to the people in the lab it was "This is John, this is Jane, this is Krazy, this is Belinda..." Unbelievable.

Interestingly a few people, mostly those with psychology backgrounds, were offended, if not appalled at the use of a mental illness term in such a flippant sense. The argument was that using "Krazy" as a nickname could be construed as offensive or trivialising to those who are indeed mentally unwell. Though I would think that the term crazy would not have been used professionally in this day and age. Also, their argument was that "Krazy" contributes to re-enforcing a negative stereotype regarding metal illness.. but I don't regard my nickname as insulting or derogatory to myself, I embrace the definition of crazy as "bizarre or fantastic".

Anyhow, one of my friends was on holiday in Tasmania recently and happened to spy a curious item in the window of a toy store... Krazy Krystal Laboratory!

It's a chemistry kit that allows you grow your own crystals in various structures and make multi-colored crystal forests.. Though another friend of mine has remarked that instead of Ages 10 and Up, Krazy Krystal's Laboratory should really be R18+...

Perhaps I should offer to become a spokesperson for the product! Combine my love of acting with my love of science and do product endorsement commercials.. Even Krazy Krystal loves the Krazy Krystal laboratory.

And hence the name of my blog..


At 2:55 am, Blogger Rosemary said...

Lol it's funny cause my name's really Krystal & I get called that a lot. Aha i changed every name on my blog though so no one would know who i am talking about. Smart? :D


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