Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wailings from a former WEHI Princess

It's day 11 here at work and I finally got into the lab.. And I managed to put my lab coat on the right way round... Don't laugh! At WEHI we had reverse gowns that did up at the back, and here they have the more usual front buttoning lab coat type.. and it is amazing how automatic the action of putting on your lab coat can be, and how stupid you look as a new post-doc in the lab putting your coat on backward!

I then embarked on my Leishmania adventure. I had to make up my own media! Shock, horror!There isn't a huge bountiful fridge of solutions made up by a team of hard working media preparation staff here. Unbelievable! And did you know.. media is made up from powder! And you have to pH balance it, and then add lots of goodies, like serum and antibiotics and amino acids. Amazing! It was kinda fun, I guess.. but i think the novelty will wear off very soon!!

And don't get me started on office life outside the lab...

Firstly, there are no tea ladies. This was to be expected. However, there is no tea room. There is a place to make tea, as long as you bring your own tea, milk and mug... which is to be expected.. but there is no where to sit and drink said tea once it is made. Except in your office in front of your computer.. Hmmm... maybe they're trying to tell us something.

Secondly, the stationary cupboard is not the size of a walk-in wardrobe. And I had to buy my own tissues. Luckily I had an array of highlighter pens shipped over, and so I can adorn text with purple, pink, green blue or yellow as the situation requires.

Thirdly, they haven't heard of chocolate biscuit friday here..

I knew I was spoilt at WEHI, I really did. And I knew it would be different when I was here. And I even knew that there wouldn't be tea ladies and i'd have to wash my own cups and make up my own media. But knowing in your head is different to knowing in your heart.

Betty and Madu, I salute you.


At 11:45 pm, Blogger Ken said...

I'm enjoying the blog - very entertaining! Sounds like you are starting to settle in. BTW you misspelt "Madhu" - just in case she ever reads the blog. :) Maybe you could start your own chocolate biscuit Fridays in the lab? Everyone could be rostered to bring in a packet of their faves once a month.

At 7:13 am, Blogger The Retro Seamstress said...

Introduce them to the Tim Tam. No one can resist the concept of chocolate biscuit friday if there is the possibility of Tim Tams.

You could also bring Penguins and conduct a survey on whether the Tim Tam is a superior biscuit to the Penguin. That's scientific so should count as work.

At 10:20 am, Blogger Dr Krystal said...

You're right. I am now equipped with Tim Tams and Chocolate Teddy Bear Biscuits, and will institute a chocolate biscuit afternoon tea on the last friday of each month. This is my sworn duty, and I will uphold my oath.

In terms of side-by-side pairwise comparisons, we (the Aussies in the Unit) are seeking a UK Twistie's homologue, as well as one for Cheezels, stay tuned!

At 12:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

At 7:03 am, Blogger Ken said...

I couldn't find Twisties in the UK but there's an Italian homolog: Fonzies. But be careful: they're addictive.


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