Sunday, November 12, 2006

Media Watch

I was really happy to see that the stem cell legislation bill was recently passed in the senate, a bill which will facilitate stem cell research and therapeutic cloning in Australia. This is an issue I've been following for a while - the original 2002 stem cell legislation was reviewed 12 months ago by the Lockhart committee, and the findings were highly favourable in terms of supporting and extending the laws to enable stem cell research. This new bill is the amended legislation that incorporates the recommendations of the Lockhart review committee. One of the sad facts is that Hon John Lockhart, who was the chair of the Legislation Review Committee, died on Friday 13 January 2006. I am really pleased that the the legislation has been passed in the senate and I really hope that the House of Representative vote later this month will also be in favour of the bill.

So then I got thinking about how removed I have become in terms of news and issues at home. I often read the Age online, but not consistently. So I did a bit of reading back and was shocked and dismayed to find the news about the Bali nine drug smugglers who had their sentences increased from either life sentences or 20 years imprisonment to execution upon appeal. I am so upset about this, and I can't believe I didn't already know about it. Now I don't want to get into a debate about the ethics of drug smuggling. I am not in favour of heroin, in fact I think it's evil. However I am also strongly anti-death penalty, in fact I think it's evil. This case makes me sick to the stomach, as these people are being used to send out political statements - why else would a judge turn an appeal against 20 years in jail into a death sentence? It's so far removed from the concept of justice and makes me feel so helpless and angry with the world. I remember what I was like when I was 19. I can confidently say that now, not quite ten years on, I have a very different attitude towards life - in the way i make decisions, the way i interact with people and the things that I want for myself and those I love. I'm not trying to use youth as a defense, but I am saying that the death penalty will not give Matthew Norman or Scott Rush this chance.

With the upcoming Victorian State Election I would really encourage people to think before they vote. Even if you just take an hour or two to google up your local candidates, read their profiles, think about the party they represent. Here is a good place to start. Please think hard about your senate vote too, it is so important to look at how parties give out their preferences! Let's not have another Family First debacle like the disastrous federal senate vote of 2004. I am going to be voting as I have registered as an overseas elector, which is very exciting, ohh.. which reminds me I have to apply for my postal vote.

Stop. Think. Continue. Repeat.


At 11:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found it hugely encouraging that the European Governments (in general) welcomed the decision against Saddam Hussein but condemned the death penalty imposed on him. More than ever, the decision to impose a sentance of death by hanging on Saddam can only be interpreted as State sanctioned revenge.

If the West was that concerned aboput the Kurds back in 1991 - why wasn't something done about it then?

The fall of Saddam's reign was simply about Dubya trying to finish the job his Dad failed to complete to make his Dad proud of him.

Although I haven't seen it apparently "The Last Hangman" gives an excellent account of the toll on the executioner.
The death penalty has never resulted in lowering the crime rate - just look at the USA.

OK Enough ranting!

At 2:50 am, Blogger The Retro Seamstress said...

I'm very happy about the stem cell decision as I think it will further scientific knowledge, however I'm in two minds about possible uses. I agree with disease research, but I worry that we are becomming a generation of people who want to have a cure for everything and they want it to be simple and effort-free.

We're living longer already and consuming more than the earth can ultimately provide. I agree with reducing pain and suffering, but not putting time and money into something that can be alleviated through changing lifestyle. I'm sick of seeing obese people hanging out for the next diet pill and applying for IVF because changing their lifestyle is too hard. People who keep smoking because "they'll find a cure for cancer soon".

Wow, that turned out a bit ranty. I'm having an "anti stupid and lazy people day".


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