Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Personality Dichotomies

Today's personality quiz is short:

You're at a party and the person you are talking to has a piece of basil caught between their two front teeth. Do you tell them?

A) Yes
B) No

I have a really early memory as a child of a situation that arose at a church social function. I have no idea how old I was, but I can remember it quite clearly. We were at a buffet dinner in the upstairs church hall and one of my friend's parents came up to me and said "Krystal, go and tell Mrs. X that she's tucked her pettycoat into her skirt" and pointed at the nice old lady who was hostessing around with a tray of food. I was terrified. I had to take a deep breath, walk across the tiled floor and pluck up the courage to tell lovely Mrs. X that her tartan skirt was tucked up into her pettycoat and was showing off her thick ultra-supportive stockings and sensible cotton breifs to the entire room. I remember my voice trembling over the "Excuse Me Mrs. X..." part of the sentence. So as a child I was frightened, but as an adult, I am appalled. Why would you send a poor innocent little kid to do this? I don't understand...

Today at work I was in the office and behind me there was a commotion, a story, and then the room was hysterical with laughter. Apparently one of my male colleagues had split his trousers and was walking around with the back seam torn open a good ten centimeters. And not only were my peers laughing at the situation, not one of them had told him about it yet. They were all too embarrassed. They claimed they didn't know how to tell him, I mean honestly, how hard can it be?

I charged out of the room and initiated the following exchange:

"Dude, what have you done to your trousers?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've ripped them at the back, didn't you know?"
"Oh, no, no one told me"

It's that simple people.

So, repeat after me:

"Hold on, you've got something in your teeth"
"Excuse me, but I think you've caught your skirt"
"Sorry, but are you sure that naming your son Jonathon Thomas is a good idea"

Just be brief and to the point. And thus save someone else from being brief to their entire workplace.


At 4:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about if said collegue would have been better off (ie. have suffered less embarassment) by remaining blissfully ignorant?
Maybe their embarassment level being laughed about the following day (in new trousers with any luck) would've been lower than finding out mid-work day amidst the laughter of their co-workers.
Would that not perhaps be better for their ego and self esteem?

Just some food for thought ;D

At 11:46 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Who was Mrs.X? I'm dying of curiosity.... And who made you go???
I get embarrassed when people don't tell me things like that cos then I'm like "great, so i just went here there n everywhere n no-one thought to tell me?" A brief moment of embarassment is better than reflecting on a whole day of it.


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