Fluffy Bunnies
Well my last post was a bit of a rant, and has inspired a few other rants too, so I think I'll retreat to some flippant la la la for a bit...
I think I might develop a hat addiction. Like some women who gain inordinate amounts of pleasure from buying and owning footwear. One of my friends here in York is a total Ebay junkie when it comes to shoes.. she's always exclaiming "Look at the shoes I won!" I try to explain that really she's bought them, but no, she insists she won them on Ebay. Hats are an essential part of UK winter. So whilst the purchasing and wearing of colour co-cordinated hats in Australia is linked to 14 year old girls and spring racing carnival, in England it's a fairly legitimate pastime. Besides, hats are cheaper than shoes and I have some issues with my feet.
Which is odd seeing as I photograph them all the time. Not that I have a foot fetish, or supply someone who does, but you see it all started when I was in New York, travelling alone, and found myself at the Statue of Liberty. I didn't have anyway of taking a photo of myself in front of this historic landmark, so I sat down on a bench and arranged a shot that showed my feet in the foreground and Lady Liberty towering behind. So began a trend and I have been amusing fellow tourists ever since with by setting up my compositions. In terms of well known icons I've got The Golden Gate Bridge, The White House, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham palace, Aoraki (Mount Cook) and more recently, The Leaning Tower of Pisa. I will get the Eiffel Tower when I'm in Paris with my sister in January, and next time I'm home I have to make sure I get the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. I should also strive to get the Pyramids, The Great Wall of China and maybe Machu Picchu. Of course this hobby has lead to me generally photographing my feet whenever I have a camera - at parties, on the beach, dangling off a jetty, overlooking city views, at theme parks, and other less recognisable backgrounds. One day when I am old and senile I'm sure I will bore my great-grand nieces and nephews with my collection and they'll sigh and ask their parents to stay at home next time they're going to mad aunty krystal's house *giggle*
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