Out of breath, perhaps running for flying children's books
Fact for today: Puffins exist!For some reason I had the crazy idea that puffins were extinct, or mythical, or imaginary.. maybe it was something to do with them being a publisher of amazing children's books or something!
Anyhow, when the folks in the lab here proposed an outing to "Go see the Puffins" I thought they were pulling my leg. But no, we drove to the chalky east coast to Bempton cliffs overlooking the North Sea, sure enough, there was a sky full of puffins for all to see!

Actually there were lots of birds, besides these cuties, and it was kind of like an aerial version of an aquarium. I always find fish very relaxing.. just swimming along in their tanks, and this was kind of the same, only with birds. There were hundreds of thousands of birds flying out to sea to collect fish for their young, then bringing the food back to the chicks nesting in the cliffs. It was like something out of a David Attenborough documentary. Awesome !
Puffins are so cute!
*does not speak of the fact that she thought tasmania wasn't a real place before she came to oz, but was something created by warner brothers...*
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