Girl I'm gonna make you sweat...
In an attempt to counteract pints at the pub and an evil tempting dish called cheesey chips (better than a kebab in the early hours of sunday morning) I have embarked on a fitness campaign. I am being aided and abetted in my exercise regime by AntQueen, who although on the other side of the world, is still able to supply motivation and moral support.It's amazing how quickly one loses cardiovascular fitness. The first time I attempted jogging here I was worried that if an ambulance was required I would be so out of breath and so impaired by my Australian accent that I would expire before I could summon help. Then I figured that one look at my atomic tomato red face would be enough to have the paramedics on site, stat.

It's also amazing how quickly one regains cardiovascular fitness. This morning I enjoyed a nice 30 minute jog along the river ouse and was pretty happy with my progress... and contrary to rumour, I don't jog in a skirt!
Dr. K's exercise tip for today:
Always ensure that you remove any trace of mascara before jogging. Failure to do so will result in you looking like a fat panda doing a runner from the zoo.
Trust me on this one.
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