Monday, July 03, 2006

Christmas in July

The weather has turned brilliantly warm here in the UK, and so health officials have issued an official heat wave warning. People at work are complaining that they "can't do anything in this heat" and it hasn't even hit 30 yet! For me it is the perfect weather, it's warm and sunny with light breezes during the day and it cools right off at night.. Of course I can sit and laugh at the silly Brits, but come winter, I will be the one who can't cope with the weather!

Of course as the mercury rises, some internal clock keeps trying to convince me that soon it will be christmas! I keep having these spontaneous impulses to go christmas shoppping, expecting to see lights and decorations round every corner, and I am anticipating New Year and my birthday. It's a bit of a shock when i then realise i've still got six months to go! We were at the pub one night, and a guy asked me very seriously if it was true that Australia christmas cards had snowmen on them.. I told him that of course they did, and everyone laughed themselves silly.. I am looking forward to having a winter christmas this year, it will be so much fun, and as the seasons and traditions will be so completely different, I don't think I will be that homesick. For example, it is cherry season here right now, and in australia cherries are the ultimate in table trimming at christmas time.. and so lying in the sun in my garden on saturday eating cherries only added to my yuletide expectations. However in December, the only cherries here will be preserved ones, and there won't be any seafood spreads or antipasto platters on the patio.. So it will be christmas, but not as we know it.. :)

The other christmassy thing that happened this weekend was that ALL MY STUFF ARRIVED. Huge joy and excitment at all the presents that were delivered to my doorstep! Of course I knew what was in the boxes, well most of them; there were a few odd surprises (why on earth did i pack that?!!?) and it was a little bit sad, cause I remembered where I was when the boxes were packed and all the people who helped me pack them. Huge hugs to you!! And big thanks to Craig for co-ordinating the shipment and negotiating the wild world of international shipping.. Arrrghh me hearties! So I spent a bit of time on the weekend setting up my room, unpacking all the boxes of photos and trinkets and trying not to cry, and going out (twice) to buy more hangers to put all my clothes away... which brings us to...

Dr. K's quiz of the day:

How many skirts does Dr. Krys own?

First correct answer wins a prize... and no, the prize is not a skirt! *giggle*

I swear I did a massive wardrobe cull before I left.. I have witnesses! I gave away *so* much cool stuff, and everytime you wear that brown cord jacket, or that nifty red skirt.. I hope you appreciate it! (you know who you are).

Ok.. time for me to do some work now...

"Tis the season to be jolly.. tra la la, la la la, la la la"

(why are they all looking at me funny?)


At 4:57 am, Blogger deense said...

32! My guess is 32...

At 11:49 pm, Blogger The Retro Seamstress said...

I think since you culled we may be down to around 14.


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