Tuesday, July 18, 2006

White bread world

I can't believe that I just wrote a blog entry about the weather, and that my previous two posts have been about rollercoasters and fruit.

A tsunami has hit java and killed hundreds of people, leaving thousands more homeless.

There are continuing air strikes across Lebanon with hundreds of civilian casualties and escalating violence.

And I am going for icecream.

Shallow doesn't begin to describe it.


At 12:48 pm, Blogger  Aphie said...

The human brain has the amazing capacity to turn the extraordinary into the ordinary.

If you were incapable of blogging about fruit and rollercoasters and were always consumed with major events everywhere you'd never be able to function.

Fair call on the whitebread world, though. Sad, that the Western world stops for the fall of a pair of buildings in a Western country, but disregards the thousands of deaths everywhere else. But where's the middle ground between caring about everything and caring about nothing outside ourselves?


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